Indian shooting sensation Manu Bhaker put her driving skills to the test in her latest social media post. The Olympic medallist recently went on a trip with her family to Dubai. She has now shared a glimpse of her action-packed adventures in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Indian Olympian was all charged up during a visit to the Dubai Autodrome racing track.
While Bhaker has already established herself as one of the country’s best competitive shooters, the Indian athlete also showcased how she was no slouch behind the wheel. She also performed multiple laps at the massive racing track. In her post, she wrote, “How about some heart-pounding action? Autodrome, Dubai.”
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The video began with Bhaker signalling the cameras to follow as she made her way towards the race car. The Indian shooter was all geared up, donning a black-coloured outfit and a dark helmet. Bhaker had a team of professionals around her as she got inside the automobile. Next, the athlete was seen speeding her way through the entire race course. Towards the end of the clip, Bhaker highlighted how she thoroughly enjoyed this new experience.
Several fans have now shared their reactions in the comments section with most of them surprised to see Bhaker in this new avatar. One social media user wrote, “All round champion Manu Bhaker.”
Another person suggested that Bhaker could soon be a part of a Hollywood action film series named John Wick. “She is the next John Wick star cast,” read the comment.
Another said, “Your majesty the queen, that was awesome.”
“Super fast, like a bullet Manu Bhaker,” wrote one more.
This isn’t the first time Bhaker has made headlines outside of a shooting range. Earlier this month, she shared another video where the Indian athlete was seen indulging in skydiving. Bhaker also enjoyed other activities in the same video, participating in speedboating and even visiting a shooting range.
Speaking about her experiences, the young shooter wrote, “From family fun to full-on thrills, Dubai has been everything we hoped for and more. Here’s to a holiday we’ll cherish forever.”
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Bhaker made history at the 2024 Paris Olympics, becoming the first athlete of independent India to win multiple medals at a single edition of the Summer Games. She will now be looking to add more achievements to her name in the upcoming premier shooting events.