Hockey India on Sunday named the 22-member squad for the upcoming bilateral series against the reigning World Champions Germany in New Delhi. The Indian team go into the two-match series, to be played at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium on October 23 & 24, following a successful outing at the Asian Champions Trophy in Hulunbuir, China where they defended the title becoming the only Asian team to win the prestigious event five times since its inception in 2011.
The India vs Germany Bilateral Hockey Series also marks the return of international hockey in the national capital. The Indian team will be led by Harmanpreet Singh and vice-captained by Vivek Sagar Prasad. The team’s dynamic midfielder Hardik Singh, will miss out on the series as he continues to be in rehab for an injury sustained during the Paris Olympic Games.
The bilateral series will witness Rajinder Singh and Aditya Arjun Lagate make their international debut.
Named in the squad are Krishan Bahadur Pathak and Suraj Karkera who will guard India’s goalpost while Jarmanpreet Singh, Amit Rohidas, Harmanpreet Singh, Varun Kumar, and Sanjay will form the defence line. The team also includes Sumit, Nilam Sanjeep Xess, Manpreet Singh, Vivek Sagar Prasad, Vishnu Kant Singh, Nilakanta Sharma, Shamsher Singh, Mohd Raheen Mouseen and Rajinder Singh.
Mandeep Singh, who was rested for the Asian Champions Trophy, returns to the forward line. He will be joined by Sukhjeet Singh, Abhishek, Adity Arjun Lalage, Dilpreet Singh and Shilanand Lakra.
Squad Announcement! India is ready to face Germany in the highly anticipated PFC India vs Germany Bilateral Hockey Series 2024!
Our team is geared up, bringing a perfect blend of experience and young talent to the field. Time to back the boys as they take on one of…
— Hockey India (@TheHockeyIndia) October 20, 2024
Speaking about the team selection, Chief Coach Craig Fulton said, “We are very excited to take on Germany in the national capital next week. India and Germany have shared a strong rivalry in recent years and we are upbeat about playing in New Delhi. The team we have picked is an experienced one, with several players from the Bronze medal-winning Paris Olympics squad. We will also have Rajinder and Aditya make their international debut during this series, they have shown a lot of promise during the training camp and we share their excitement as they prepare to earn their first jersey with the Indian team.”
The team will arrive in New Delhi this afternoon from Bengaluru.
Indian Team:
Goalkeepers: Krishan Bahadur Pathak, Suraj Karkera
Defenders: Jarmanpreet Singh, Amit Rohidas, Harmanpreet Singh (C), Varun Kumar, Sanjay, Sumit, Nilam Sanjeep Xess
Midfielders: Manpreet Singh, Vivek Sagar Prasad (VC), Vishnu Kant Singh, Nilakanta Sharma, Shamsher Singh, Mohd. Raheel Mouseen, Rajinder Singh
Forwards: Mandeep Singh, Abhishek, Sukhjeet Singh, Aditya Arjun Lalage, Dilpreet Singh, Shilananda Lakra